anime links(any) : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

i been having no luck latly with kazaa and dc so could anyone help me out with some http links i already know and thats about it thanx.

-- Anonymous, January 11, 2003


What are you looking for, buddy.

-- Anonymous, January 12, 2003

just any good anime really

-- Anonymous, January 12, 2003

Okay look what is the Deal WITH THAT DOWNLOAD? ITS TIME CONSUMING and difficult for the unsavy anime lover. Its so damn stupid everything is in another language, whatever it is. Now unless there is some english version that someone is going to make me look like an idiot with you all need your head's examined.

-- Anonymous, January 12, 2003

why waste your money if you can d/l them i dont care if there subbed the dub ones usually get alot cut out.

-- Anonymous, January 13, 2003 i got a lots of anime there...

-- Anonymous, January 22, 2003

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