Recording jpg jpeg images onto CD-RW / CD-R? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Gents I know this is primarily a Video forum, but I have had no success in getting answers elsewhere. I want to archive image files (gif/ jpg/ bmp/ mpg/ avi/) onto a CD. First, is this possible without having to change the file extensions / formats? Second, if so, what kind of software / freeware is available that will do the job? I have a LiteOn CD-RW drive.

Thanks amighty,


-- Hunter (, January 08, 2003


why dont you just compile the lot as a new data cd using nero...

-- nocontact (, January 08, 2003.

Yes, you certainly can burn any of the file types you listed to CD-R or CD-RW as is. These files will NOT play in a DVD player that way, but if you only want to archive them as your question implies, yes it is possible. Just burn a data CD-ROM using any burning program. Nero is a good one and it's easy to use. You can get a demo copy at http:/

-- Root (root@yahoo.moc), January 08, 2003.

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