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I am DESPERATE 4 inuyasha n ailor stars episodes....well mostly 4 inu. i had most of da sailor stars season but den mah comp stuffed up n now i only have the ones that i burnt on2 a cd (which is about 12 eps onli!!) n i had 9 inu eps b4 n now none....i've tried kazaa, irc, dc..etc but all the d/lz take such a long time! (my connection speed is fast) n i tried finding direct downloads but itz completely useless since there r hardly any sites wif good d/lz....so can any1 help me here!!! i'll cant survive wifout any inu or Stars epz!!!

P.S= how can u e-mail each other episodes? is that possible??

-- Anonymous, December 29, 2002


You usually can't email anything of that size, however with some email accounts you can.

Unfortunately, I'm having the same problem finding Inuyasha episodes. I'm picky as well and want http downloads as well. I've found 3 sites, http://www.pohanenhuma.cjb.net/, http://www.racso.net/inuyasha/eotw.php and one other that's down and I don't know whether it'll come back up.

Anyways, if you find another source, I'd appreciate an email.

-- Anonymous, December 31, 2002

i know where to download the sailor stars and all sailor moon seasons.

Go to princessserenity.net/main.html in the section on multimedia, episode downloads, japanese episodes, sailor stars.

There are the eps!

-- Anonymous, January 16, 2003

Thats a easy one, to find FULL INUYASHA ( or Inu Yasha )simply download mirc from www.mirc.com and complete registration. Then, type the following in the status menu: /server irc.aniverse.com ...... then, when the channel menus come up, type #Dog_Demon ....or type /join #Dog_Demon to download your favorite dubbed AND subbed Inuyasha!!!! Glad to help ^_^ SIT BOY! -PokemonHoundour

-- Anonymous, January 29, 2003

http://www.inuyashazone.de/downloads/ some of these dont work. but there are a lot of inu yasha episodes here

-- Anonymous, May 20, 2003

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