play vcd on cd audio player : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

ca i insert audio tracks on vcd so i can listen to them in my audio cd player and at the same time on my dvd player

-- sidy ndoye (, December 28, 2002


why file progame xmplayer not opend

-- alihadi (, December 29, 2002.

Anyone got cream cookies and tea?

-- Somebody (, December 29, 2002.

I got cookies but not of the cream kind. Would camomile tea be okay? OK now, White Book does allow CDDA, and they are of the normal 44k/16b/stereo uncompressed indeed CDDA variety that gets stored in the CDDA folder. But the catch is I'm not sure, apart from the ancient VideoPack4 (whose import audio is a bit buggy in that regard), which other VCD-authoring program allows this. This is not a popular approach because of the efficiency of MPEG Layer-2 (the type of audio multiplexed in with the tracks in the MPEGAV directory), where for much the same quality of audio you get moving pictures to boot in the same space that would just have been occupied by CDDA. Anyway try xatshow ( and figure it out.

-- Mehmet Tekdemir (, December 30, 2002.

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