When I play a cassette, I frequently get a message that says "Remove Casette"greenspun.com : LUSENET : Dirck Halstead : One Thread |
I frequently get a message that says "Remove Cassette" when I try to play back my Cannon GL1 on my camera. What causes this? Is this common for the GL1?Marcus
-- Marcus Mims (marcusno@aol.com), December 28, 2002
i think it's that your tape ran out of timecode...if you can get your tape to another deck and rewind...it should work again. Cannons have a defect that makes it necessary to black out your tapes.
-- pedro betancourt (afn51163@afn.org), March 03, 2003.
Lo siento mucho, canon es muy complicado de manipular aunque es una averia tipica, te aconsejo que la lleves al servio tecnico oficial. Canon nunca rompe pero cuando lo hace es bastante dificil de reparar.
-- Juan Luis (reparaciones@telefonica.net), July 21, 2003.