What is the highest quality possible for a vcd?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Hi, I have a DVD player that will play VCD's, but not SVCD's. I was wondering what is the maximum quality possible for a VCD. Can I raise the bit rate or the resolution? Thanks!

-- Kevin (BrindA17@comcast.net), December 28, 2002


Nevermind fellas, I found a tutorial that allowed me to trick my DVD player into thinking it was reading a VCD, while it was really a SVCD. :-)

-- Kevin (BrindA17@comcast.net), December 28, 2002.

Just curious here: how do u know it was "really" an SVCD???

-- Mehmet Tekdemir (turk690@yahoo.com), December 30, 2002.

MPEG-2, 480x480 and a high bitrate

-- Kevin (BrindA17@comcast.net), December 30, 2002.

.just a note..you can tweak bitrates on vcd as well as svcd..for example a standard vcd is 1150kbps for video and 192 for audio..am doing this out of my head so if the numbers are slightly off..sorry..if you add those 2 numbers together you get a total of 1342..as long as you keep this total you are ok..such as 1246 for video and 96 for audio..they equal the same number yet the video will have a slightly higher quality...it all depends on what the audio is..if someone is simply talking then bump up the video and turn down the audio.. just a note.

-- john boy (johnbmx4christ@yahoo.com), December 31, 2002.

I succesfuly created an XVCD having and mpeg1 source of: 1. 384x256 frame size. 2. 1250kbps, at CBR to maintain quality. 3. 2ch sound of 44.1khz at 192kbps.

I tried playing it on to DVD player that can play VCD, worked like a charm. Compositing app: TMPGEnc. I used to CD-R, 700Mb for a 100 min. film

-- n.y. (nyavin@hotmail.com), January 30, 2003.

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