Kare Kano or Furry Kurry (did I spell that right? Oh well.)

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

Ok me and my friend have a little argue ment and so I thought I'd get a few more opinions. Which is better Kare Kano (It so much better!) or Furry Kurry (still not sure of how to spell it but it is not even nearly as cool) please give me your choice and reason. Thanx!

-- Anonymous, December 27, 2002


i think Kareshi Kanojyo no Jijou is veeeeeeeeery funny, romantic and a great serie, but the end is unbeliveable. Is an amazing work from the Gainax studios, i love shoujo!

But Furi Kuri, or FLCL is crazy, nuts, insane and i recommend you KareKano.

-- Anonymous, January 16, 2003

It's spelled FLCL.

Starling Who's always happy to help. ^.^

-- Anonymous, March 15, 2003

KARE KANO all the way...great anime...although dissappointed that there's only 26 eps and the ending is kinda, weird?

-- Anonymous, May 06, 2003

hard answer. They're both so great. I think it depends on your mood. Kare Kano is longer and doesn't have robots. Furi Kuri is shorter but has robots. But both have such great voice acting. AAHH! OK I'm done.

-- Anonymous, May 06, 2003

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