Does Canopus ADVC-100 convert VHS well? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I have a huge stack of home videos on VHS. I want to convert them to VCDs to have something that will last longer -- and also to save some space! I've been looking at various converters and so far I think the ADVC-100 seems to be in the lead...It's about $299, so it's not too far out of my price range, although it doesn't come with any software....Anyway, I want to know if anyone's used this one and can share their experience -- Would anyone recommend this, or does anyone have a better solution to achieve what I'm trying to do? Also, what would be the best software to use? And finally, should I go this route, or wait a few years when DVD prices come down, and then convert all the VHS tapes to DVD instead of VCD? And would XVCD be an option?

-- Richard T Sewell (, December 11, 2002


Go to: 20ADVC-100&Search=Search

They have a lot of feedback on this unit.

-- r. frederick (, December 18, 2002.

I bought it awhile ago and it works great. Very happy I bought it.

-- Ian Wright (, February 03, 2003.

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