Does anyone know how to back-up your own PS1 and PS2 games? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
Does anyone know how to back-up your own PS2 games? I need to know what to use to rip it and burn it and everything in between.
-- (, December 11, 2002
You could try 1) posting to another forum as this forum is definitely the wrong place 2) learning how to do a web search to answer your question.
-- Root (root@yahoo.moc), December 13, 2002.
yeah its easy you dumb ass
-- (, December 17, 2002.
Well you two twats didn't have to be so rude to the guy. It was a simple question. Vcdmovieguy, you have any vcds for sale?
-- George W Bush (, December 22, 2002.
that is easy if you know how,here is how you do it,just use the program d.v.d decripter,there is no actual protection on ps1 and two games,but you will need a dvd burner and you ps1 and 2 chiped up to play copy ps1 and 2 games
-- keith richards (, March 27, 2004.