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I found this stated elsewhere by David Edwards as court connection. But the timing differs if Walter, son of John and and Maude were born around the time of the marriage in 1430. Jane Seuymour was born in 1509. Also my inquiries into this Seymour return a reference to Joan Aint Maure, which is a different family. SoSo my question is is whether or not the Bluetts had this powerfull court connection which would have continued on into the reign of Edward VI, 1537?

-- Robert A McClure (, December 11, 2002


Response to Walter Bluett and Jane Seymour, Cousin of the Queen

From the German Geneaology page it indicates that Jane Seymour's mother was (or may have been) a Bluett. The Jane Seymour I speak of is the one that married King Henry VIII.

Is there any accuracy to this?

-- Mike Bluett (, January 05, 2003.

Response to Walter Bluett and Jane Seymour, Cousin of the Queen

I have not found the mother of Jane Seymour. The Blewett/Seymour connection is that Sir Roger Bluett who built Holcombe Rogus, and defended Exeter when it was under siege in the 1549 rebellion, had Edward Seymour (Jane Seymour's brother) as his 'Patron'. You will find the Seymour arms as well as Blewett arms at Holcombe. More than this; I held the marriage contract of Sir roger's son into the Blount family, apparantly the mother, Dorothy Blount, was Aunt to Lady Jane Grey, the nine day queen. The relation of the Blewetts with the Seymours and their plot to prevent the Catholic Mary ascending the throne probably ended their court life, thereafter we were a purely 'county' family.

-- Matthew Blewett (, January 31, 2003.

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