is my poe book worth anything? : LUSENET : The Work of Edgar Allan Poe : One Thread

I found an Edgar Allan Poe book named "Poes Poems" with a date of 4-22-1900, from Alabama. On the front cover it says: The Complete Poetical Works of Edgar Allan Poe, with memoir by, J.H.Ingram. Published in New York by The Mershion Company. Its contents are everything from a memoir, to poems, essays, poems written in youth and also N.P. Willis on the Death of Poe. I was wondering if my book is worth anything today?

-- Anonymous, December 10, 2002



Like all books, it depends on the condition. If slightly worn, it is probably worth around $20. If in excellent condition, it could be worth as much as $40. Check the out-of-print section of Barnes & Noble ( which always quotes reasonable prices for such books.

-- Anonymous, December 11, 2002

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