Sopranos seasons n VCD??? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
Does anyone have the sopranos seasons 1-4 on VCD? I cant seem to find this.
-- (, December 10, 2002
try any authorised vcd retailer on the net, search yahoo or msn, i suggest, but to get the best prices shop around
-- tony spinks (, December 10, 2002.
I would prefer cheap ones, all I want to do is put them on to a VHS for my friend, and keep the VCD's for viewing once. If anyone has a set, please contact me.
-- (, December 10, 2002.
Well, Im not Tony, I just stole his name. My suggestion is hire if you can from a video store and copy them and then return the originals.
-- Tony Spinks (, December 24, 2002.
Some people have them on the web but it takes an hour to find one guy that has them. The best place to find them is ebay, seasons 1-4 $60 not bad.
-- JT (, December 30, 2002.
I have season 1-4 on vcd. I will set you up for a good price. or trade if you have anything I like..I have a bunch of other vcd;s as well...get a hold of me:-)
-- poops green (, January 18, 2003.
Hi Im loking for english subtitels for Season 2 Help me please.Send me on e-mail or give web page. Thanks
-- Budzik (, March 09, 2003.