Owner's Manual for Philips CDI-490greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
Does anyone know where I can get ahold of an Owner's Manual for a Philips CDI-490? I also would like to know if the unit operates using a remote controller.
-- Fred May (fred@e-p.com), December 06, 2002
HiI am unable to answer your query, but you may possibly be able to answer mine. Is the Philips CDi that you refer to, a portable video playing device? If so, can you tell me where i can get hold of one?
Angus Webb
-- Angus Webb (angus@dipsticksresearch.com), December 12, 2002.
I have a partial manual and am looking for what is called the "pointing device" which plugs into what looks like a mouse port on the bottom front left. I would also use a remote if I could locate one reasonally priced, not the $60 I found when I searched by Google. DaveC
-- Dave Colglazier (orgwood@iaxs.net), May 19, 2003.
I have several CDI-490 units left over from an upgrade. E-mail me if you are interested in purchasing one.
-- Tim Hahn (tim@timandtenisa.com), August 14, 2003.