Old Guyton CofGa Station Stove

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread

I own the coal burning cast iron stove from the "Colored" waiting room of the old station in Guyton. It was given to me when the station was razed some 40 years or so ago. It has Central of Georgia cast into its base, stands about 36" high on a four footed 21" square base. Does your organization have any interest in it, or do you know of one that would?? I have had that thing for so long I really hate to part with it, however my wife recently died and I will be moving. I will entertain any reasonable offer. Stove is in St. Augustine, FL

-- Warren F. Klecan (wfklecan@aol.com), December 04, 2002


The Guyton Historical Society would like to purchase the stove if still availible. My number is 912-772-5095. Thank You. I responded last year to this ad also.

-- Helen Marshall (Heheimar@MSN.com), November 15, 2003.

i am also interested in your stove. my house sits on a branch line of the c of ga 2 miles from guyton 912- 772- 5858

-- steve todd (toddntodd@earthlink.net), November 13, 2003.


The Central of Georgia Railway Historical Society would be interested in seeing your stove preserved. At present, we don't have a museum facility or budget for acquisition of artifacts. However, the Society is a 501(c)3 educational organization, so any donations are tax deductible.

The Roundhouse Railroad Museum in Savannah may also have an interest in the stove, although I don't know their policy on acquiring artifacts. They do have a museum facility (the former CofGa shops). The Site Manager at the Roundhouse is Ralph Justen, and can be reached at (912)651-6823. The Roundhouse and the Savannah History Museum (located in the CofGa passenger station) are both managed by Coastal Heritage Society (CHS). Scott Smith, the Director of CHS, can be reached at (912)651-6840.

I hope this information helps.

Allen Tuten Secretary/Treasurer Central of Georgia Railway Historical Society

-- Allen Tuten (allen@cofg.org), December 05, 2002.

If the C of G RHS or an appropriate museum is interested, I think they should be given first right of refusal. However, if no origanization comes forward first, I would love to place an offer on your stove. Bill Buck, Buck Ice & Coal Co., Columbus GA 866-322-5451 or 706-322-5451

-- Bill Buck (buckiceco@aol.com), December 05, 2002.

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