Regarding any reproductions of the first class public dining room china made by Wm. Brownfield called wisteria. : LUSENET : TitanicShack : One Thread

Where can I find a reproduction of the FIRST CLASS PUBLIC DINING ROOM china, called wWsteria made by W. Brownfield - not Spode's blue cobalt (Russ Upholster's article states that the blue cobalt was probably used only in the private promonade of Titanic's first class parlor suites and/or captain's table service). I cannot find the Brownfield or wisteria pattern ANYWHERE. Regarding Spode's blue cobalt: Wouldn't there have been a logo centering the dinner plate as well? No reproduction of any blue cobalt pattern I have seen for sale shows this. One more question regarding the crystal used. Does anyone know whether there is a distinction between the first, second, and third class crystal patterns. I see many different patterns on the internet they say were used, but the class distinction is never noted. Thanks

-- patricia laplante (, December 03, 2002


I found a lot of Titanic memorabilia china, etc. at the gift shop in LA (Calif Science Center) where the Titanic Artifact Exhibit is showing right now. There are several different china patterns, thoug I am not positive the one you want was there. You can call them and ask.

Hope this helps.


-- anita easton (, February 17, 2003.

I located 4 sites:




and (4)

-- B. Cabrera (, April 26, 2003.

Try this company in the UK. A little pricey but is what you're looking for:

-- Mike (, May 11, 2003.

I manufacture a full range of Royal Doulton Wisteria pattern tableware which is the most accurate available plus Gothic Arch items. I do not have a website but pictures are available of approximately 25 different items. Complete table services are consistently available. Thanks Ray

-- Ray Perks (, July 15, 2004.

Hi, For first class chinaware as used on the Titanic also original items try

Best wishes Ray

-- Ray Perks (, December 16, 2004.

A Titanic exhibition in Orlando Fla. has what you are looking for. It is located in a semi-strip mall called The Mercado. Their web site address is "". Only problem is they currently do not offer sales on line. Your only option is to contact them dirrectly. However, I know they have this pattern as I have been there and saw reproduction plates of all shapes and sizes for a reasonable price.

-- DANNY T MCKEE JR (DTMCKEE2@AOL.COM), January 12, 2005.


-- Ray Perks (, March 11, 2005.

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