aussie : LUSENET : Aeon Flux : One Thread |
hi im from australia and one of our tv stations started showing aeon flux about 6 or 7 years ago i thought it was the best stuff i had ever seen. ne way i taped some of the episodes but have lost the tape i just wanna know what are the chances of getting a hold of some of the dvds or tapes in aus.I think ill have to import them or something but am really keen thanks.
-- jonc (, December 02, 2002
jonc, not sure where you are but I managed to hire the AF vids from the local TRAK video store (in Adelaide), which deals in alternative films and stuff you wouln't normally find in Blockbuster.It was SBS that showed the series here. They also showed the original liquid television eps which had 'War' in them
-- Drew (, December 06, 2002.
I've seen all of the videos, including the box set, and the DVD for sale on british websites. They said that they were in stock.
-- switcherx (, December 07, 2002.