vcd problem play on dvd player : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I have recently purchased a ONKYO DVD player (dv-s535) and cant play VCD's on it. I am getting a message of "Invalid Disc". Am i able to get a format disc to enable me to play VCD's or is there another way of overcomming this problem? I'm searching for the plugin SVCD MPEG2 for NERO. Thanks for your help...

-- TEX (, November 30, 2002


Could be a couple of things. 1) Your DVD doesn't support VCD at all. Unfortunately, such players exist. 2) Your DVD player doesn't support CD-R or CD-RW media. If VCD doesn't work, SVCD won't work either, so don't waste your time looking for the Nero plug in. Go to and see what it says about your DVD player in the DVD player compatibility list and you will know whether your player has problems with CD-R/W media or just doesn't play VCD.

-- Root (root@yahoo.moc), December 02, 2002.

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