ACL Steam Loco 210 : LUSENET : ACL and SAL Railroads Historical Society : One Thread

There is a really good photo of ACL 210 posted at in the Eastern discussion board dated 11-25. Posts tend to last only a few days so check it out while you can.

-- Jim Coviello (, November 27, 2002


To reply to Buck's request, the ERL for the page in question is However, this may not work since Trainorders only allows members to access the posted photos. The home page is Anyone can sign up as a member and it is well worth the $7.00 charge. Once in, the post is in the Eastern Discussion section.

-- Jim Coviello (, November 28, 2002.

Jim, feel free to post the URL on the site. If you wish to post it as a link, enter it this way: "<"a href="">Link to Photo of steam locomotive". Where all the x's above represent the full internet address. Remove quotation marks around the first bracket also. (I had to do this to get the format to show)

If you do not enter it correctly, no bother, I'll fix it from here. Thanks!

-- Buck Dean, Webmaster (, November 27, 2002.

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