Unknown Spur in Alexander City

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread

I found a priviously unknown (to me) spur here in Alexander City, AL. off of the CofG Alabama Division (Columbus / Birmingham) today. See if any of you can help me with it. The rails, just off of Washington Street West of town, are still in place up to a point and look to be no more that 50 lb. rail. They branched off to the West just 100 or so feet West of what used to be Granger Oil Co. (Texaco) The tracks go through the trees and angle slightly toward parallel with the main and then stub out at one of Alex City's power sub stion. I'm convinced that this used to be a spur into Robinson Foundry that's been there many years, but don'w know for sure. I was told that by one man that he thought the CofG brought in coke and other items used at the foundry, but didn't know where the rails were.

Do any of you have any specifics on the spur in question? Did it stub out at the plant or was it a through siding? Etc., Etc.,???

-- Dale E. Burns (burns186@bellsouth.net), November 25, 2002

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