After School Professional Development : LUSENET : Middle School Science : One Thread

On Tuesday, December 3, 2002, there will be a follow up to the professional development series that we began on Election Day. Sessions will be held at IS 90 from 4:00PM – 6:00PM. IS 90 is located at 21 Jumel Place, 168th Street near Amsterdam Avenue

Each of the Election Day workshops will be repeated, so you have an opportunity to attend either of the workshops that you didn’t attend on Election Day. The workshops are as follows:

Looking at the Classroom Environment
Looking at Science Investigations
Looking at Student Work

Please let me know if you plan to attend and which workshop interests you:

Telephone: 917.521.3691 (you can leave a message)


-- Michael Gatton (, November 25, 2002


By the way, 6th grade teachers are also welcome/encouraged to attend the workshops after school. Grade 6 teachers were excluded on election day because of logistics only - In many schools grade six teachers teach a number of subjects, so principals may be reluctant to release them just for science, etc.

Also, attendees (Districts 3, 5, & 6) will of course receive the contractual training rate.


-- Michael Gatton (, November 25, 2002.

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