Dubbed Cowboy Bebops

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Does anyone know where I can get the English dubbed Cowboy Bebops that are being aired on Adult Swim? I have all the Japanese episodes, but I like the English voice for Spike.Thanks.

-- Anonymous, November 23, 2002


Too bad you did not ask this question a few months ago cause I knew a website that had streamed episodes for download. I looked today but it was removed by the webmaster. I am sorry. I dont belive there is a website with cowboy bebop episodes cause it took me forever to find that site. I would try kazza though. It might have it.

-- Anonymous, November 27, 2002

I have the Cowboy Bebop Anime DVD Box Set English / Japanese. i'm starting to convert them to avi. Once they're finished they'll be put up onto Direct Cnnect.

Go to www.neo-modus.com and download direct connect client, Install it, Run it. Enter a nickname for yourself, share a folder, click OK. Click connect at the top and type animepantyhose.no-ip.com that's where they'll be.

-- Anonymous, November 30, 2002

hey, i have the episodes. only the first two are from the dvd though. adult swim actually censors a bit. i recorded the rest off of tv and converted them so you should see the adult swim logo at the bottom. if you're interested, email me. or IM me at kookyna

-- Anonymous, December 05, 2002

Im also desperately searching for the English DUBBED episodes. Help from anyone would be greatly appreciated.

-- Anonymous, December 08, 2002

I really don't see why you'd want the english dubbed versions of anything. I can't stress how much more crappy they are. I was so disapointed last time I got and english dub. It's better to just stick with the original. On top of that, the Adult Swim Cowboy Bepops were pretty horrible with the editting and all, not to mention the actors who were horrible also.

-- Anonymous, January 03, 2003

I have finished converting the episodes. They are on Direct Connect, in the Animepantyhose.no-ip.com hub. only i have them at the moment, but i'm posting them to a few other people and so they will also have them. give it a week.

-- Anonymous, January 14, 2003

A couple of questions: I've tried animepantyhose.no-ip.com a few times in the last couple of days and I keep getting redirected to Anime Neko. I'm new to DC, am I doing something wrong? Also, what are the names of the dubbed episodes? What should I be searching for?

-- Anonymous, January 19, 2003

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