Another 'VCD in Australia' Question : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Well Im looking to trade/sell/buy american/english VCD movies through the Post. I have around 100, but only about 20 im willing to trade or sell. I HAVE: The exorcist digitally remastered, Requiem for a dream, Trainspotting, Red Dragon, austin powers Goldmember, Kiss of the dragon, baise-moi, bridget jones diary, screwloose, life or something like it, wild things, pi, signs, miss congeniality, jurassic park III, cider house rules, we were soldiers, american beauty, gladiator, matrix, 8 mile, spiderman .. . . . blah blah blah. If I trade, you only get a burnt CDRs, if you buy you only get burnt CDRs. Ill sell for $7.50 (is that too much?) I have no Idea if they are legal, but i got most off the internet and some of ppl i know.

If anyone has any of these movies on burnt cdr i will trade or buy: a Fish called wanda, (any of the monty-python movies), amelie, shawshank redemption, fierce creatures, BEAN the ultimate disaster movie, garage days.

-- Mitch (, November 16, 2002


Can i buy the 8 mile VCD and if so how much will it be?

-- michael scheffert (, November 17, 2002.

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