who is anabelle lee?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : The Work of Edgar Allan Poe : One Thread

who is Annabelle lee??

-- Anonymous, November 07, 2002


his niece who was very sick at the time he wrote that poem

-- Anonymous, November 07, 2002

Edger had a wife named Virginia whom died in 1847. He wrote this poem because of her death. By saying Anabelle Lee he means Virginia.

-- Anonymous, November 07, 2002

it was his wife... they were young lovers and the angels were jealous and they took her to keep to themselves

-- Anonymous, November 07, 2002

hi i was wondering whether you could clarify if annabel lee is poe's wife or is he refferring to his sick neice. i have to do a critical analysis of this poem so any info. would b a gr8 help. thanx nicky

-- Anonymous, November 11, 2002

HeY A. Lee was Virginia, E.A.P.'s cousin or niece that he married. That's really nasty but, yeah... he married Virginia and after she died he wrote a peom, Hence Annabelle Lee (he switched the name for some odd reason).

-- Anonymous, November 11, 2002

All wrong, folks! Who is Cinderella? Or, who is Lolita?? Or, who is Esmeralda??? Or, who is Little Nell???? Or, who is Carmen????? &c, &c, &c. Don't you believe these women being mere literary characters created by their authors? Why do you think that somebody - of flesh and blood - is concealed behind? Do you want to play the role of some uncommissionned detective? or of some would-be post-Freudian unemployed psychanalyst? And, if so, to what purpose? Poe's poem clearly gives us all we need to know about the beautiful Annabel Lee, and about her mourning lover too. The ballad-form may echo some of OUR OWN affect or sensibility. Very well so. And that is absolutely not surprising, because it was, as always, precisely Poe's deliberate intention, and one of his own conspicuous marks of genius. No more comment for the moment. Yours sincerely, Raven's Shade (Belgium).

-- Anonymous, November 16, 2002

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