train wreck in stockbridge ga about 50 yrs ago : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread

supposily, there was a train wreck about 50 yrs or so ago in stockbridge georgia and the train had hit a car full of teenagers. i was just wondering for one is this true and for 2 the date it happened and any other information on this accident. (the railraod crossing behind stockbridge elementry school)

-- jessica hatcher (, November 01, 2002


Ms. Hatcher -

Stockbridge, GA, is located on the former Southern Railway, not the former Central of Georgia. This question might be best addressed to the Southern Railway Historical Association. I am a member of that organization as well as this one, but I have no knowledge of the accident you describe (though my knowledge is by no means complete.)

I do hope you can get the information you seek.

Bob Hanson

-- Robert H. Hanson (, November 07, 2002.

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