standard paint colors for buildings, : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread |
A question has come up here in Savannah. The 1926 roundhouse construction specifications call for wood to be painted C of G bottle green, also the lower 5' or so of the walls on the interior of the structure. There is very little of this color left. It's a dark dark green, almost like Charleston green.There is a good bit of historic chrome green paint left on doors etc. The Southern took over in 1963, and cut way back on the use of the complex. I am pretty sure the chrome green was a standard building color for the Southern, but I don't see where they would have gone on a major repainting campaign at a place they were downsizing.
So, did the Central switch over to chrome green sometime after 1926 and before the takeover?
-- Rudd Long (, October 31, 2002