QuickTime Player Movie File into a VCD

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I have a cd of a band and it has a QuickTime movie file and I'm trying to record it into a VCD but I can't because Nero burning room can't recognize it. Do I need to re-encode the QuickTime movie file into MPEG or .AVI file and it so how do I do it? I tried using TMPGEnc but it said that TMPGEnc can not open or unsupported. Your help for an ignorant like me would be much appreciated

-- El abuelo (panzerattack90044@yahoo.com), October 29, 2002


You can use tmpgenc if you have the qtplugin. You can get it from ..


-- anonymous (anonymous@anonymous.com), November 30, 2002.

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