2010 flashback

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Literary Science Fiction : One Thread

On page 140-143 of 2010 the second oddyssey, star-child david bowman has a flashback of his childhood at crystal spring. In this flashback he recalls giving his brother a fatal dose of carbon monoxide. This makes no sense to me. Why would bowman kill his brother like that? the book provides no explaination as to why this event happened and I can't see any reason for this part to be included in the book. I'm just wondering if there is something I'm missing about this part in the book, its just too weird.

please e-mail me if you know somethin I don't or if you share the same question. -genesissys5@aol.com

-- Greg (genesissys5@aol.com), October 28, 2002

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