Is This Fourm Still alive? : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

Well I'll Be a monkeys Uncle, Unk is back in business

-- IDontKnow (IDontKnow@IDont.Care), October 27, 2002


Never have figured out where everyone went. A passer-by said Unk's new place was infected. Just wondering, though. The doctor was certainly correct about Cali and the rip-off power suppliers. Quite a few top-notch heads on this board, once.

I think that Dennis Olson and his evil minions maliciously destroyed this once fine place.

Unk, one more time, where are yoooo?

-- A (, November 01, 2002.


-- (here@you.go), November 06, 2002.

IT's happening!!!!!!!!

-- Al-d (, January 23, 2003.

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