I need real VCD's like the ones from Bali or DVD's along as they are picturedgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
I am looking to buy many vcd/dvd's. I live in eastern sydney. I would like them new american movies such titles as simone, banger sisters and red dragon. I am looking to purchase between 20-100, private or public, either way. I would like to purchase them at prices between 5 and 10. I will not go higher then 10 a movie. If any 1 can help me email me at bden@optushome.com.au and denza69@hotmail.com thanks
-- Paul D (bden@optushome.com.au), October 26, 2002
Check out http://www.allvcds.com http://www.getvcds.com http://www.vcdgallery.com
-- root (root@yahoo.moc), October 28, 2002.