Slide shows with music : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Hello. I've been trying in vain to make a slide show with music using Nero 5.5 MIX Mode. I've done exactly what they say, putting all of the .jpg photos in one window of the Mix Mode Interface, and the .wav files in the lower window. They seem to all be on the finished CD when I check out the find/search on the newly made CD, but when I play it on my stand-alone Samsung DVD player...only the music is heard. (no photos) My DVD player on my computer won't even play the music but tells me that the CD inserted is in the wrong format. Can anyone help me with this dilima? Many thanks...Evelyn

-- Evelyn Carpenter (, October 25, 2002


I haven't heard of using Nero's Mix mode for Slide shows, but you can do it using VCD mode but you can't have sound. There are many ways and applications that will create a slide show with sound that will play on most DVD players. Check out for more info

-- Louis Lambert (, February 02, 2003.

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