System map : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread

I would like to know where I can find a complete system map of the C of G. I'm knew to this forum and considering joinig the historical society. I live in Cedartown and also would like to find out as much about the Chattanooga-Griffin line. So any info this will be very much appreciated.

-- Jamie Prater (, October 22, 2002



The Central of Georgia Railway Historical Society has several different system maps from different years.

We have one system map from 1901 which shows all of the connections with other lines, as well as counties, rivers, mountains, etc. in Georgia and Alabama.

Another system map, from 1921, only shows the Central's main line trackage, but it also shows major connections and mileage between terminals.

We also have a system map from 1950 showing main tracks of the Central of Georgia and the Savannah & Atlanta. Most, but not all, other connecting railroads are shown also.

All three maps are available in their large, original size (usually about 24" x 36") or in 11"x17" reductions. The large size maps sell for $10.00 each, and the smaller reductions are $2.00 each.

The best way to get one (or more) of these maps is to go to one of the train shows that we attend. The next one will be on Saturday, December 7, 2002, in College Park (Atlanta) at the Georgia International Convention Center (on Sullivan Road near the Airport.)

If you can't make a show, I can arrange to ship a map to you. If you'll contact me via e-mail (, I can give you details regarding ordering and shipping costs.

I also just recently came across an 1899 CofGa map on the internet at:

Allen Tuten Secretary/Treasurer

-- Allen Tuten (, October 26, 2002.

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