Ok Since Sick of you Is bitching theres a forum for Pirated VCDS

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

ok there is now a forum just for people who want to find movies and dvd's, Ok The Site is http://www.network54.com/Hide/Forum/221844 Please for everyone who has lotes of movies Please Go here and post your Wat evas Hope to c you there. TH-A9

-- Th-A9 (dts7@msn.com), October 18, 2002


Thanks. Actually, I really appreciated it. Seriously.


-- Sick of You (sick@boy.ie), October 18, 2002.

BTW, I bookmarked it and will inform people when they're way off topic here that it's available.


-- Sick of You (sick@boy.ie), October 18, 2002.

Here is the link of the site with the very latest releases...


-- Sc (source_code@arabia.com), January 03, 2004.

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