Otto Perry Savannah : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread |
Several of the Otto Perry images we just linked into the CofGa site were made in Savannah.Number 56, an 0-6-0 switcher, seems to be sitting by a watering and coaling structure. Could the structure in the background of this image be the coaling tower on Louisville Road? If not there, where else would a CofGa steam locomotive have taken on coal and water in Savannah?
Was there a water supply in the vicinity of the Roundhouse similar to the gossamer structure shown in the image of number 56? This shot does not indicate Roundhouse to me. If it was Louisville Road, then it was looking north from the road. Otto Perry might have parked his car and walked up the hill to the coaling station on Louisville Road to make this shot.
Any ideas or speculation?
-- Ron. Wright (, October 16, 2002