Fort Valley Structures : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread

I am an adjuct city planning faculty member at Georgia Tech working on an economic development plan for the City of Fort Valley. There are three former Central buildings in the downtown - the passenger station, the freight station, and the interlocking tower - that are generally recognized as historically important. Can you comment on the significance of these buildings, if there are any precedents of restoration of such a complex, and if any similar structures have been successfully moved to other locations?

Thanks very much!

-- John Skach (, October 16, 2002


I suppose this is a question within a question, but doesn't the interlocking tower at Fort Valley have a curved hip roof. From what I have seen, that is somewhat unique in the South and would surely qualify it for restoration. Good luck

-- Bill Lowe (, October 16, 2002.

Sadly, most CofGa structures have been demolished, so these three would all be highly significant. The interlocking tower may well be the last remaining CofGa interlocking tower, which makes it unique. Ideally this would be preserved as an interlocking and not converted to offices.

Several precedents for restoring such structures exist.

Central of Georgia headquarters were located in Savannah. Coastal Heritage Society maintains the Historic Roundhouse Complex and the CofGa Passenger Depot. Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) owns and uses several CofGa Administrative buildings. Savannah owns the former CofGa hospital.

Owners determined Restoration goals. The Roundhouse is restored for railroading and was recently designated state railroad museum of Georgia. CHS keeps locomotives and cars there and maintains them using shop facilities.

SCAD uses its CofGa buildings for college functions, but they maintain some railroad character.

The hospital is now a senior citizens center.

In Columbus, Total Systems restored the historic Sixth Avenue Passenger Depot and now Columbus Chamber of Commerce owns it and uses it for offices.

Opelika, Alabama is restoring the CofGa and West Point Passenger Depot there, I believe as Chamber of Commerce.

Eufaula, Alabama recently restored Freight House as Chamber of Commerce offices.

Restoration has been performed in Albany; I am not sure of details.

Don't know of any major structures being moved, but many smaller depots have been.

-- Ron. Wright (, October 16, 2002.

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