Burning VCD

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Is PictureToTv the best VCD..Video Compact Disk...format for my picturess ?

-- stephen grasby (grasby211@aol.com), October 15, 2002


For your jpeg pictures download..PictureToTv..trial...Then with your search engine type in PictureToTv Keygen....this will crack the program..PictureToTv..has incredible, wipes,fades,shutters,zooms, etc. with the ability to put an mp3 on the finish copy. Do not waste your time with Ulead...This one is the best with all effects working on your finished VCD...XAT.COM picture maker..slideshow maker uses a third party such as Nero to burn which will Not give you wipe or any special effects...Regards..Acton..Ontario

-- stephen grasby (grasby211@aol.com), October 15, 2002.

Ineed sexy and sexo

-- (hgfvhr@yahoo.com), October 15, 2002.

Not so fast. The whole picture show with special effects transitions can be done with any normal NLE like I do with Premiere, then encoded to a normal MPEG-1 VCD-compliant stream, and that's just the bane: you are down to normal VCD resolution of 352x240. Nero and xatshow default to a resolution of 704x480, which is DVD-like, but is accomodated completely within White Book. Since these are discrete itemxxxx.dat files in the SEGMENT directory, indeed no fancy transitions of any kind. And that's your choice: fancy transitions with puny quarter resolution of 352x240 that looks horrid on TVs, projection or otherwise, above 30"; or higher-res 704x480 which looks fabulous (especially on engaging progressive scan if your DVD player supports so, together with your TV or projector) but without fancy transitions, etc. I bet PictureToTv merely does the former.

-- Mehmet Tekdemir (turk690@yahoo.com), October 17, 2002.

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