Pope authorizes plenary indulgence for Divine Mercy Sunday!greenspun.com : LUSENET : Catholic : One Thread |
Many of you may already be aware of this, but I just found out about this new plenary indulgence for Divine Mercy.Divine Mercy Sunday is my FAVORITE day of the year. (My prayer is that I die on this day minutes after receiving the grace promised by Our Lord on Divine Mercy Sunday! ;-)
The Holy Father really loves St. Faustina and Divine Mercy. It's no coincident the Lord picked him as the pope for our time.
Click here for details.
God bless!
-- Hollis (catholic@martinsen.com), October 11, 2002
Hey Hollis, the link didn't come through. Can you give the URL?
-- Emerald (emerald1@cox.net), October 12, 2002.
I'm sure I had the proper anchor. Hum? Let's try again.http://www.divinemercysunday.com/plenary_indulgence.htm
-- Hollis (catholic@martinsen.com), October 12, 2002.
Hollis, I probably mentioned it somewhere before on the forum, but since you're new and the thread you started is devoted to it I thought I would say it again.A while back, maybe 2 years or so now (can't remember exactly) I started getting woken up roughly 3am, usually a couple minutes before. I say 'woken up' because each time it was out of a cold dead deep sleep and I got the distinct impression that something outside of me push me out of the sleep. I knew there was something to it but it was not at all clear to me what... I knew it was benign though. I did figure after a while that I was supposed to pray, but usually I fell back asleep.
This went on here and there for quite a while before I began to mention it first to my wife, then others. I asked my mother about it one day.
What she told me amazed me. She has one of these what I call teasingly the 'blue-hair militia', the old church ladies who get together and have coffee and eat cookies and pray the Rosary in the house and talk spiritual things. She said that at one of these meetings that someone casually mentioned that they had this 3am waking experience and that every single one them was shocked because each had the same experience, and each one had come to conclusion on their own, each independently, that the call was to say the Chaplets of Mercy.
So naturally when I heard this it gave my experience all the significance and credibility and purpose that I was wondering if it had; I didn't want to be inventing significance on my own. Having 'extraordinary spiritual experiences' is just not really a part of my everyday existence. And after having come out of a long, long period where I felt the almost total and complete absence of God (I didn't leave the Church), this experience was particularly welcome, and I felt priviledged that I had something significant to do even if it was small.
I followed through with the task hit and miss, sometimes falling back asleep and losing the opportunity. It went away for a while and I felt like I had lost another opportunity, so I asked God somewhat recently to give me another shot at it. That very same night it happened; I got up and did a really good job of it. Since then, I have moved it bigtime into my daytime.
Driving is a good time; sometimes I'll break it up and say 'for the sake of His sorrowful passion...etc.' 3 times for each person I know that comes to mind that seems to need it, especially those I know need to come back into the Church.
Though not everyone would agree with me which is cool, no problem... I have long thought that humanity is at an incredible crossroads at this time, and something about the nature of this devotion, and this prayer "for the sake of His sorrowful passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world" seem to have an urgent tone to me, about a necessity to scoop up as much good seed in the form of lost souls as possible. The experience hit its absolute height for me the week before 911 when it came night after night for I think 5 days in a row at least.
I have looked around the internet and have found a handle of places (I really had to dig for it) where people had the same experience. I also thought it was interesting that where I am in San Diego here, you could draw a line through the center of the earth and it hits the Holy Land where at 3am here, it would be the exact time of Christ's death over there... but you can ignore this last bit of trivia; that's probably all it amounts to. =)
At any rate, I would say to anyone interested, take this devotion and run with it.
-- Emerald (emerald1@cox.net), October 12, 2002.
In light of discussions about the nature of this new war, about Vatican II, about the nature of salvation and many other discussions... I don't care which direction you are coming from, which so-called type of Catholic you might wish to call yourself, who you wish to "ally" yourself with, whatever... the following speaks the truth about exactly where, or in which state of being, the answers to all these puzzling questions can be found; and also, one devotion that helps tremendously in the quest:"When Pope John Paul II granted a plenary indulgence for the Feast of Mercy on June 13, 2002, Franciszek Cardinal Marcharski said:
"This is not just one more devotion, just another booklet or picture. It's incomparable with anyone or anything. The Devotion to the Divine Mercy is determining the destiny of the world, the destiny of humanity. No diplomacy, politics, or any human faculty or skill can save that which seems to be heading for the destruction man has prepared -- not just for one individual, but for humanity. Only Jesus, the Crucified One and the Risen One can do this; and, this I maintain -- through Mary.""
-- Emerald (emerald1@cox.net), March 25, 2003.