Convert JPEG Pictures to CD-video (To play on DVD) : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
On my backpacking trip to Europe I took some pictures with a digital camera (JPEG pictures) and I would like to burn the pictures on to a CD so that I can watch them on my DVD player (My DVD player plays MP3s and CD audio/video).What software and conversion do I need?
-- Edgar Barrett (, October 11, 2002
Get Nero at You can use it for free for 30 days to try it out. Follow the guides to making a photo VCD at WARNING - not all DVD players support photo VCDs. The DVD player compatibility list at should tell you whether yours does or not. For example, many if not all Pioneer DVD players won't play photo VCDs at all although they have no problem with homemade VCDs or commercial ones, they just don't support photo VCD.
-- root (, October 11, 2002.
I'm a digital photographer, purchased Ulead DVD Pictureshow and have been ecstatic about it. You can get 99 slideshows of 99 pictures each on a VCD. You can insert your own background music on each slideshow (MP3s, WAVs, etc). Just make sure your DVD player can read burned CD's (most latest products can). Now I can really bore all my friends with my 3,500 pics of Greece! *LOL* If you need any help, don't hesitate to contact me directly.
-- Toronto lady (, October 15, 2002.
One of the best, and user friendly softwares you could use to burn photos (.jpg, .bmp, etc.) to Vcd, SVcd, Dvd, etc. is Photo2vcd. You could get a trial version of the software at : fun.
-- Andy (, May 21, 2004.
using for jpeg convert to a movie with background musics
-- Sunil Bekal (, July 04, 2004.