Need help with the resolution size.. : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I've burned a movie onto a CD and can watch it on my DVD player, but the resolution seems to be alittle bit larger than the TV there anyway to adjust it? Thanks

-- RK (, October 10, 2002


No. My guess is that you are most likely watching a PAL VCD on a NTSC DVD player or vice-versa and your DVD player is not correctly converting the image to the right output format.

-- root (, October 11, 2002.

Hmmm...that's probly why...Thanks

-- RK (, October 11, 2002.

One way is to convert it into MPEG file and then use TMPGenc to convert from PAL to NTSC.

-- SY (, October 12, 2002.

...the files I'm using are originally in DivX format. I think it has something to do with my DVD player as I encoded with NTSC and it played the same way. So I guess I'll have to bare with it. I think I installed some DivX codec as Virtual Dub says it's an illegal hack and could mess up when it converts...anyone know how to delete it??

-- RK (, October 13, 2002.

When you go from computer to TV, you will lose ap. 5% (newer sets) to 10% (older sets) on each edge. It's the nature of televisions. Newer digital sets, however, will show the whole frame.


-- No One (, October 14, 2002.

Hmmm... I thought that might have something to do withit. The TV I'm using is about five years old or so.

-- RK (, October 14, 2002.

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