is anyone else into harry potter? : LUSENET : Heath Chat : One Thread |
(i know this isn't related to heath, but i just had to know.) i just wanted to see if anyone else is as into the harry potter series as i am. i've been anxiously awaiting the new movie. actually, the one i can't wait for is "the prisoner of azkaban". that was my favorite of the books. i'm dying to see who they'll get to play sirius black. i have a picture of the actor i think is perfect, jason carter of babylon 5. (i could also see viggo mortesen from lord of the rings as sirius, but i don't have a picture of him.) i tried to attach his picture to this, but the system won't let me. if you want to see it, let me know and i'll e-mail it to you. please let me know what you think. i'm dying to discuss this with someone.
-- sarah shultz (, October 09, 2002