NY Hall of Science Genetics Seminar w/ Stipend

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Middle School Science : One Thread

NY Hall of Science is offering a seminar on genetics On Tuesdays, Nov. 12, Jan 7th, March 4th & May 6th, plus an additional session TBA. There is a $400 stipend if you attend all sessions. I believe time is 5:00 - 8:00, but the flyer is unclear on this, so I will check and get back to you. In the meantime, let me know if you are interested and I will send you the flyer/application. Only 12 spots are available city-wide. Application deadline is October 15!

-- Michael Gatton (mgatton@adiglobal.com), October 03, 2002


I confirmed today that all of the NY Hall of Science sessions on Genetics will be from 5:00 -- 8:00pm. Keep in mind that the Hall of Science is in Queens, the sessions are on Tuesdays (Once every other month beginning November - see original message). More info: Preference will be given to upper middle school teachers (7th & 8th grade). That's not me, that's the Hall of Science. You must also be teaching at least 4 science classes, so no pre-service teachers or teachers on leave. Include resume with application.

Finally, please let me know by private e-mail if you are interested - I have about 10 responses so far. I will send applications on Monday morning, you should receive it that afternoon. Fax to Camille Ferguson @ 718.699.1341.


-- Michael Gatton (mgatton@adiglobal.com), October 04, 2002.

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