where oh where

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

can someone tell me where I can watch episodes on the internet I've found some but need more one is sputnik7 if you are intrested so please contack me if you know of any sites

-- Anonymous, October 01, 2002


go to www.neo-modus.com and download direct connect client. install it and enter a username, then share a folder (preferably anim and over 1GB) then click ok, then connect at the top of the client. in the address box type animepantyhose.dns2go.com. this will take yo to a server where u can search for anime and download pretty fast

-- Anonymous, October 17, 2002

that Direct connect addy is now animepantyhose.no-ip.com

-- Anonymous, October 26, 2002

Hey, wuts and FTP or irc???? Ive been to a lot of sites that say that I can download anime eps, through their FTp or IRc???? How do I get to the FTP or IRC???

-- Anonymous, October 30, 2002

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