can nero support over 800mb : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Can nero burning software burn disk capacity of 900mb? as my nero software seem to cannot burn a 850mb of file on 900mb disk, it prompt me to insert a more higher disk

-- chris (, September 30, 2002


Yes, Nero can do this, but your burner may or may not support it. Most likely it will as almost all burners will burn the 900 mb CD-Rs. Set Nero up to overburn and configure the length to overburn to 90 minutes and 30 seconds. Nero will say that the CD-R is an 80 minute one, so tell it to go ahead and burn anyway and if you are lucky, it will work. 900mb CD-Rs violate Red Book standards, so there are no guarantees they will work, but usually they do. I would also suggest that you keep your burns to under 90 minutes. Don't try to squeeze 91 minutes out of a 90 minute CD-R or it will fail.

-- Root (, September 30, 2002.

answer at :

-- guiwi (, October 08, 2002.

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