dvd's from other countries

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

i am from the uk, i went to holland this weekend and bought back a hardcore porno dvd, i put it in my computers dvd player and i cant get it to play. ive got a pioneer dvd-117, my system is more than capable of playing dvd's but this one wont work, is it because its from another country??? can anybody help me out or suggest sumthing? many thanx

-- scott brown (luvvbuzz54@hotmail.com), September 29, 2002


What I can suggest to uoi is that you wash your hands thoroughly with hot water and soap 4 or 5 times after watching this DVD.

-- (!@!.!), September 29, 2002.

What region is that DVD?? Most porn DVDs are region-free, or for that matter, all-region. Have u in fact ever played any DVD on that DVD- ROM drive satisfactorily before?? Will that DVD play on a normal set- top?? Have u adjusted region code settings on the player program? The 117 is hardware set. There may be a way of unlocking the region code restrictions through a link on www.inmatrix.com. But I don't thinmk that's your problem.

-- Mehmet Tekdemir (turk690@yahoo.com), September 30, 2002.

Hey Mehmet, how would you know that they're region-free? :)

-- (no@spam.please), September 30, 2002.

Either says right on the label (most North American ones at least are) or there is a logo of the world with ALL juxtaposed on it or both.

-- Mehmet Tekdemir (turk690@yahoo.com), October 01, 2002.

you need to buy a APEX DVD player. It is the cheapest one made in China and it plays all kind of formats DVD. the problems APEX sometimes breaks down easy, but it is cheap. Good luck.

-- gtrrt (gtrrt@hotmail.com), November 10, 2002.

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