Convert Karaoke LD to : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
I have a lot of karaoke LD and I like to convert them to VCD. Do I need a capture card to dump it to my PC first in a whatever format and burn it using NERO software?
-- Tony Young (, September 13, 2002
Yes, you need a capture card that can record MPEG-1 video in VCD format. I have made many VCDs and SVCDs from laserdiscs using the Dazzle DVC II, so it's certainly possible. ATI makes cards that can do it, but I think the DVC II is better. You won't be able to do any of the laserdisc functions on what you burn, but you can at least copy your old laserdiscs to another format. Unless they are very carefully stored, your laserdiscs will deteriorate over time, so you are wise to record them to another format while you can.
-- Root (, September 13, 2002.