camcorder to vcd : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

What software and hardware do I need to transfer vedio from a Camcorder to PC and make a vcd out of it. I have a CD-RW already.

-- dave (, September 10, 2002


A PC of the last generation with a very fast processor and a videocard plus drivers with the right input for a videocamera, as well as a video capture program like Ulead video, which allows you to edit and convert the movies into the desired size, and also to burn them on a cd, in several steps. There is a trial version of Ulead 6 available, which can work as a full version...

-- Jan Patrick Luchies (, September 10, 2002.

Also check to get some good info on what exactly you will have to do to make your own VCDs. Once you decide on a capture card, you might want to go to other forums or do a web search to see what people who have it think of it.

-- Root (, September 11, 2002.

use snazzi pci card using firewire cable. software used ulead meta studio

-- lion (, September 16, 2002.

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