VCD output from Easy CD creator 5 won't play on DVD : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
I burned a VCD with Easy CD Creator 5 onto a CD-RW (Plextor, media was Imation). My Marantz 6200 says it handles VCD and CD-R and CD-RW. When played a screen appears and says "no MP3 file". Any advice?
-- Bpb Pepple (, September 07, 2002
Try doing the same with Nero this time.
-- Mehmet Tekdemir (, September 08, 2002.
Ive got the same problem, but ive got a jvc xv-s302 dvd player. it says it can play vcd, svcd,dvd, and mp3. I made my own vcd. is .mpeg or .avi vcd quality.
-- Faisal (, September 08, 2002.
I have no problems with Easy CD creator 5, but prefer Nero, which also does SVCD Patrick
-- Patrick Luchies (, September 10, 2002.