Fueling Facilities at Fort Valley, GA

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread

What was the location of fueling facilities at Fort Valley? Was there a coaling facility there?

-- Riley Kinney (csx333@yahoo.com), September 05, 2002


There is a picture of the water pumping station at Fort Valley in the October 1920 Right Way Magazine, with employees Fred Collins and Lloyd Johnson standing in front of the pumping station building. There is a fairly large water tower in the background, though it is hard to determine the capacity of the tower or location of the tower and building from the photo itself. I will be glad to snail mail you a copy of the photo if you like, as I don't have a scanner. You might try going to Peach County property deeds, probably located in courthouse in Fort Valley, and might see some old deeds or plats giving the exact location of this facility.

-- Jim Goolsby (pioneeraugusta@mindspring.com), September 06, 2002.

According to the Central of Georgia's Official List dated January 1, 1949, there were facilities for both coal and water at Fort Valley. As to their location, capacity, and other details, no information is given.

Bob Hanson

-- Robert H. Hanson (RHanson669@aol.com), September 05, 2002.

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