HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!!greenspun.com : LUSENET : Heath Chat : One Thread |
Hey everyone!!! i have been trying to get on her to tell you that it is my birthday (well was) but my computer was being poopy and wouldn't let me in!! so it was my birthday 6 day's ago!!! Aug. 29!!! i'm 16 now, yeah baby!!!! so anyways HAPPY BIRTHDAT TO ME!!! :O)~ buh-buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy!!!!!!! τΏτLuv-ya ~~~ sue ~~~
-- Sue (monkeygal55@aol.com), September 04, 2002
Lol!! Yeah a very late happy birthday!! ;)Hugs Angie
-- Angie (the_love@passagen.se), September 05, 2002.