why is the pirated goods so cheap? and how do they profit?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

i am doing a project regarding the pirated goods... can anyone tell me why is the pirated goods so cheap? and how do they profit?

-- Soon Yeow (soonyeow1981@hotmail.com), September 03, 2002


Pirated VCD's are so cheap because it is a copy of the video file on a cd-r disc. People who sell them make a profit because they buy cheap CD-R discs at about $.10 ea/ and sell them for anywhere from $1.50-$5.00 a disc.

-- anonomous (notgonna@tellyou.com), September 03, 2002.

Also alot of ppl don't really sell them enough to make a living at it. Some do it for the glory of being known

-- sa (shane0613@yahoo.com), September 12, 2002.

Because the cost to produce pirated is very low. They don't have to paid royalty or licensee. That's why pirated goods always in good demand for individual. Target market always to those low market which means to low income people.

-- Alvin (smileyfaces_98@yahoo.com), September 17, 2002.

The glory of being known?????? WTF does that mean????

-- anonymous (me@either.net), September 17, 2002.

as in getting their groups name out. Like echelon w/ dc games, tmd for crappy divx, you know normally in the .nfo files right above the greets: section. Like devilsown with the xp pro release from a while back that was out months before xp could be purchased. Too many to name. try vcdquality.com to see who releases what

-- sa (shane0613@yahoo.com), November 01, 2002.

Oh, I see. In other words, script kiddies, crackers and other wanna-be hackers who are just smart enough to use tools other people built and anyone can find.

The call themselves hackers, but no self-respecting real hacker would ever use their skills for such lame purposes. And real hackers will always disavow them.

You can easily spot them by their typing ‘style,’ such as aLtErNaTiNg or RAnDom cAPitAlIzAtIoN of letters and/or substitution of letters like h4©k3® for hacker.

-- Anonymous (me@either.net), November 04, 2002.

HI~! We are also doing a project regarding the pirated goods... can you provide us more imformation about it?! Thank YOU~!

-- Sandy song (super_songyue@hotmail.com), April 13, 2003.

old post but i had to reply. these vcds and dvds are done for profit. they are pressed dvds and vcds not on cd-r or dvd-r media. being pressed and pressing thousands of them makes them cheaper than we can do using cd-r and dvd-r. they use many differnt sources for these films for newer movies still in theaters cam/telesync,telecine, screeners and workprints. for dvds already out it is a exact copy usually on dvd9 media with all the extras. release groups on the net get a hold of these copies that are sold in asia and release them onto the net. they do this for no profit, it is done to compete with other groups to be the group that gets the relese to topsites.

-- joe mama (joemama@home.com), December 15, 2003.

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