How do I get on that reality show? : LUSENET : Xeney : One Thread |
I just saw a promo for a reality show, where they are going to drop a middle-class family in the middle of Ro-day-O drive and let them shop and live for a year - a take off on the Beverly Hillbillies or something? what the hey?Damn I need a gated mansion and cement pond. (And a Ellie May to wrassel with)
-- Anonymous, August 29, 2002
Firstly, is that your actual email address there Cory?, heh..
Secondly, I got a note about this show through my update (via Reuters). Here's their take on it:
CBS Scouting for 'Real'-Life Beverly Hillbillies (Reuters)
CBS plans 'Beverly Hillbillies' reality show (jam!)
-- Anonymous, August 29, 2002
Oh, it sounds awful! I love it.I must be on this show. I live in Tennessee, so I've got a good shot . . . except that I'm not (I mean, um, I ain't) really from here originally and I don't have the accent (but I can fake it!) and I don't live in a shotgun shack or a trailer (though I could probably find one and fake it, if that means I get to live in a mansion and go shopping). Hmmm . . . there has to be a way to make this work . . .
-- Anonymous, September 04, 2002